
廖錦農 Liao, Chin-Nung



E - m a i l


研 究 室
分  機 109

學  歷

國立中央大學 工業管理研究所管理學博士
淡江大學 管理科學研究所管理學博士
國立台北大學 企研所 管理學碩士


主要研究興趣以行銷管理為主軸,如產品、價格、通路、推廣、銷售人員激勵等,運用理論包括;交易成本(Transaction cost)理論、賽局理論 (Game theory),目標規劃(GP)、階層分析(AHP、ANP)、Fuzzy theory、Taguchi loss function、TOPSIS, ARAS…等,進行行銷與工管相關議題之研究。業界專長: 行銷策略、物流管理、連鎖經營等。





1. 勞委會職訓局北基宜花金馬就業多元就業開發方案–諮詢輔導計劃諮詢輔導團委員。
2. 經濟部中小企業處「創業圓夢計畫」創業顧問。
3. 中小企業協會顧問。
4. 中華民國消費者協會評議委員。
5. 太平洋電線電纜股份有限公司 業務專員。
6. 宏亞食品股份有限公司 總經理室、營業部、物流部、行銷企劃部(含77巧克力、禮坊訂婚禮盒)、酒連鎖事業部、大陸事業部等 經理。
7. 俊傑文化事業股份有限公司 營運與企劃部協理。
8. 寶島鐘錶股份有限公司 總經理室經理、全國營運經理。
9. 中華技術學院/中華科技大學 企管系 暨 經營管理碩士班 系主任


1. Chen, M.S., Chang, H.J. and Liao, C.N. (2005). Optimization model for salesforce compensation under effort level. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 26 (3), 587-598. (通訊作者)
2. Liao, C.N. (2006). The Effect of Retailing Channel under Private Brand and Transaction Cost. Journal of China Institute of Technology 34, 59-74.
3. Chen, M.S., Chang, H.J., Huang, C.W. and Liao, C.N. (2006). Channel coordination and transaction cost: A game-theoretic analysis. Industrial Marketing Management 35 (2), 178-190. (SSCI) (通訊作者)
4. Liao, C.N. (2007). Marketing Channel Competition and Transaction Cost: Nash Game Perspective. Journal of China Institute of Technology 36, 53-66.
5. Liao, C.N. (2007). The effects of transaction cost on market transparency when Hotelling market. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 28(1), 81-94.
6. Liao, C.N. (2007). Salesforce incentive within organizational life cycle: A transaction cost analysis. Human Systems Management 26(1), 1-9. (EI)
7. Liao, C.N. (2008). Marketing channel competition in TCA approach. Journal of China Institute of Technology 38, 255-270.
8. Liao, C.N. (2008). Incentive reward control: Based on the competitive advantage, transaction cost economics and organizational life cycle viewpoint. Human Systems Management 27(2), 123-130. (EI)
9. Liao, C.N. (2009). A joint demand uncertainty, sales effort, and rebate form in marketing channel. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, 12(1), 155-172. (EI)
10. Liao, C.N. (2009). Formulating the multi-segment goal programming. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56(1), 138-141. (SCI)
11. Liao C.N. (2009). Estimate guarantee service costs using learning curve model: A watch chain store empirical study. ProbStat Forum 2, 31-39.
12. Liao C.N. (2009). A zero-one goal programming model for marketing project selection. Journal of China Institute of Technology 40, 77-88.
13. Liao, C.N. (2009). Optimal control of salesforce compensation under transaction cost. International Journal of Information and Management Science 20(4), 535-546. (EI、TSSCI)
14. Liao, C.N. (2009).The strategic training of marketing concept model (STMCM): A conceptual framework. Human Systems Management 28(4), 193-200. (EI)
15. Liao, C.N. (2009). Using multi-segment and multi-choice GP in marketing application. Journal of China University of Science and Technology 41, 153-169.
16. Liao, C.N. and Kao, H.P. (2010). Supplier selection model using Taguchi loss function, analytical hierarchy process and multi-choice goal programming. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 58(4), 571-577. (SCI)
17. Liao, C.N. (2010). A customer service strategy framework under transaction cost conception. Journal of China University of Science and Technology 42, 205-220.
18. Liao, C.N. (2010). Supplier selection project using an integrated Delphi, AHP and Taguchi loss function. ProbStat Forum 3, 118-134.
19. Liao, C.N. and Kao, H.P. (2010). A hybrid channel Stackelberg game under transaction cost analysis. International Journal of Information and Management Science 21(3), 343-363. (EI、TSSCI)
20. Chih, I.L. and Liao, C.N. (2010). An application technique of the selected success criteria in purchasing process. Journal of China University of Science and Technology, 45, 113-126.
21. Chih, I.L. and Liao, C.N. (2010).The marketing activities management systems model: a conceptual framework under BPM. Journal of China University of Science and Technology, 45, 143-156.
22. Liao, C.N. and Kao, H.P. (2011).An integrated fuzzy TOPSIS and MCGP approach to supplier selection in supply chain management. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(9), 10803-10811. (SCI)
23. Liao, C.N., Chih I.L. and Fu, Y.K. (2011). Cloud computing: A conceptual framework for knowledge management system. Human Systems Management 30(3), 137-143. (EI)
24. Liao, C.N. (2011). Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process and multi-segment goal programming applied to new product segmented under price strategy. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 61(3), 831-841. (SCI)
25. Chen, P.Y, Chang, H.J. and Liao, C.N. (2011). The valuation and strategy of foreign operations under stochastic price: a real options model. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 39(6), 1174-1188. (SCI)
26. Liao, C.N. (2011). Revised multi-segment goal programming and applications. ProbStat Forum. 4, 110-119.
27. Liao, C.N., Fu, Y.K., Chen, Y.C. and Chih, I.L. (2012). Applying fuzzy-MSGP approach for supplier evaluation and selection in food industry. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 7(5), 726-740. (SCI)
28. Yen, C.W., Liao, C.N. and Fu, Y.K. (2012). Relationship between national culture and tipping intentions: a study of American and Taiwanese consumers. Journal of Sport and Recreation Research. 7(1). 37-52.
29. Liao, C.N. (2013). An evaluation model using fuzzy TOPSIS and goal programming for TQM consultant selection. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 41(1), 1-9. (SCI)
30. Liao, C.N. (2013). A fuzzy approach to business travel airline selection using an integrated AHP-TOPSIS-MSGP methodology. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. 12(1), 119-137. (SCI)
31. Liao, C.N. and Kao, H.P. (2014). An evaluation approach to logistics service using fuzzy theory, quality function development and goal programming. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 68(2), 54-64. (SCI).
32. Liao, C.N. and Chih, I.L. (2014). Knowledge management system selection by multi-choice goal programming. Human Systems Management. 33, 19-25 (EI)
33. Chen, K.H., Liao, C. N. and Wu, L. C. (2014). A selection model to logistic centers based on TOPSIS and MCGP methods: The case of airline industry. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/470128 (SCI)
34. Liao, C. N. and H. P. (2014). A QFD Approach for Cloud Computing Evaluation and Selection in KMS: A Case Study. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 7(5), 896-908. (SCI)
35. Liao, C.N., Hung, J.Y., Kao, H. and Wu, C.J. (2014). Marketing strategy model: A conceptual framework for micro-enterprises, Human Systems Management. 33, 199-206. (EI)
36. Liao, C.N., Fu, Y.K. and Wu, L.C. (2015). Integrated FAHP, ARAS-F and MSGP methods for green supplier evaluation and selection. Technological and Economic Development of Economy. doi:10.3846/20294913.2015.1072750. (SSCI)
37. Liao, C.N., Lin, C.H. and Fu, Y.K. (2015). An integrative new product launches strategies selection model using ANP, TOPSIS and MCGP. Technological and Economic Development of Economy. doi:10.3846/20294913.2015.1074951. (SSCI)
38. Chen, K.H., Chang, W.I., Chih, I.L. and Liao, C.N. (2015). Framing the decision-making model of the Chinese business with Feng-Shui concept. Human Systems Management. 34, 225–232. (EI) (通訊作者)
39. Hsu, H.H., Huang, W.L., Fu, Y.K., Liao, C.N. (2016). A fuzzy model to green supplier selection using AHP, ARAS and MCGP approach. Transylvanian review. Vol XXIV, No. 8, Special Issue, 2016 (SSCI) (通訊作者)
40. Huang, W.L., Liao, C.N. (2016). Fuzzy multi-segment goal programming and application. ANDAMIOS. Accepted (SSCI) (通訊作者)


1. 廖錦農 (2007),Study on retailer channel competition with transaction cost viewpoint.崇右創校四十週年慶國際學術研討會,崇右技術學院企管系。
2. 廖錦農 (2008),A comparative analysis of two rebates structures in retailing under demand uncertainty and effort effects,電子化行銷人才培育學術研討會,教育部技職司(崇右技術學院)。
3. 廖錦農 (2008),Using Taguchi loss function, AHP and MCGP in suppliers’ selection problems,中華技術學院40週年校慶企業經營管理講座暨學術研討會,中華技術學院企管系。
4. 廖錦農 (2009),Marketing activities management and manager levels in SMEs’ organizational. 慶祝中華技術學院企業管理系創立15週年學術論文研討會,中華技術學院企管系。
5. 廖錦農 (2009),A learning curve approach in guarantee service costs measurement. 慶祝中華技術學院企業管理系創立15週年學術論文研討會,中華技術學院企管系。
6. 廖錦農 (2009),A multi-choice goal programming in marketing segment application. 管理與決策學術研討會,南華大學企管系。
7. 廖錦農,施儀良,傅彥凱 (2011),Cloud Computing in Knowledge Management application. 慶祝 建國百年企業經營管理理論與實務研討會,中華科大企管系。
8. 廖錦農,(2011),New Product Launch Strategy Using TOPSIS and MCGP Approaches.
慶祝 建國百年企業經營管理理論與實務研討會,中華科大企管系。


1. 廖錦農,傳統市場營運規劃與調查分析研究-直興市場,2006/06/01~2006/08/31
中華技術學院,主持人。 (已結案)
2. 廖錦農,台北市傳統市場營運與財務性指標分析研究,2007/07/15~2007/12/15,中華技術學院,主持人。 (已結案)
3. 廖錦農,台北市萬華區直興市場未來更新再利用之研究,2008/05/01~2008/11/30,中華技術學院,主持人。 (已結案)
4. 廖錦農,台北市傳統市場發展潛力及未來商機研究,2009/01/05-2009/05/05,
中華技術學院,主持人。 (已結案)
5. 廖錦農,台北市傳統市場主體改建攤商意願與政府因應措施之研究,2009/12/20-2010/8/19,中華科技大學,主持人。 (已結案)
6. 廖錦農,顧客價值與忠誠度關係之研究-以A連鎖餐廳為例2012/02/01-2012/09/30,中華科技大學,主持人。(已結案)


2. 本系94-104學年度專題指導老師。
3. 本系研究所96-105學年度研究生指導教授。


1. 95學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊International Journal of Production Economics 論文評審。
2. 95、96學年度擔任真理大學管理學院管理科學研究所碩士學位論文口試委員。
3. 95學年度擔任經濟部商業司連鎖加盟高階管理教材編撰計劃審稿委員。
4. 97、98、99學年度擔任玄奘大學管理學院公共行政研究所碩士學位論文口試委員。
5. 97學年度擔任國立臺灣師範大學工教系研究所碩士學位論文口試委員。
6. 98學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Information Sciences 論文評審。
7. 98學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊International Journal of Production Research 論文評審。
8. 98學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊 Applied Mathematics and Computation 論文評審。
9. 99學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making論文評審。
10. 99, 100, 101學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊 Applied Mathematical Modelling 論文評審。
11. 99,100學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Computers & Industrial Engineering 論文評審。
12. 100學年度擔任SSCI 級國外學術期刊Industrial Marketing Management 論文評審。
13. 100,101學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊European Journal of Operational Research論文評審。
14. 民99-100年擔任「台評會」99學年度技術學院評鑑委員。
15. 101學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Journal of Testing and Evaluation論文評審。
16. 101學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Journal of Cleaner Production論文評審。
17. 102學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Computers & Industrial Engineering論文評審。
18. 102學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Mathematical Problems in Engineering論文評審。
19. 103學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Computers & Industrial Engineering 論文評審。
20. 104學年度擔任SCI 級國外學術期刊Environmental Impact Assessment Review論文評審。


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