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  • ¤_¨ô¥Á½sĶ¡A°ê»Ú¦æ¾P¾Ç¡AµØ®õ®Ñ§½¡C

  • ªL­^¬P»P±iºÖºaĶµÛ(1998)¡A°ê»Ú¦æ¾P¾Ç¡A·s³°®Ñ§½¡C

  • Kotabe µÛ / ©P©¯¼_ Ķ(2005)¡A°ê»Ú¦æ¾PºÞ²z(¤Gª©)¡A¥xÆW¦è®Ñ¡C

  • Warren J. Keegan µÛ / §d§J®¶µ¥½sĶ¡A°ê»Ú¦æ¾PºÞ²z¡AµØ®õ¤å¤Æ¡C

  • ¬I®¶ºaµÛ(2005)¡A¥þ²y«~µP¤j¾Ô²¤¡A¤Ñ¤U¥Xª©¡C

  • ·¨¥®Äõ Ķ(2002)¡ABernadette TiernanµÛ¡A¦h³q¸ô¾ã¦X¦æ¾P¡A«°¨¹¤å¤Æµo¦æ¡C

  • ©P¥i / ¶g¨Ì­· µÛ(2004)¡A³Ð·N¦æ¾P¡A¤¤衞µo®i¤¤¤ß¥Xª©¡C



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  • Keagan and Green(2000). Global Marketing. Second Edition. Prentice Hall Series in Marketing.

  • Kotabe, Global Marketing Management (third edition), Western Book.

  • Marieke de Mooij(2005), Global Marketing and Advertising : Understanding Cultural Paradoxes 2/e, SAGE Publications.

  • Roger Bennett, Jim Blythe, & Harry Alder(2002), International Marketing: strategy planning, market entry & implementation, Kogan Page.

  • Ilan Alon(2003), Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy, Greenwood Publishing Group.




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MCEI (Marketing Communications Executives International) °ê»Ú¦æ¾P¶Ç¼½¸g²z¤H¨ó·|¤§²Õ´²¤¶

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International Marketing


Your resource for international marketing and business development.


offers information, resources, reference, and links related to marketing on a global scale including import and export standards

International Internet marketing Association (IIMA)  http://www.iimaonline.org/ 

An international association for Internet marketers and business strategists offering certification (CIMBS)


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